We are delighted to be a part of the National Workplace Wellbeing Day!
Now in it’s fourth year, Friday the 13th of April marks the day when companies and employers show their commitment to employee wellness. We know from research that investing in employee wellness improves health outcomes, happiness and feelings of fulfilment and of course, reduces absenteeism and increases productivity.
Workplace wellbeing days are taking apart around the country. Positive Nutrition is proud to partner with The Wellness Crew, the one-stop-shop for wellness in the workplace. We are delighted to be delivering our fun and engaging nutrition talks and cookery demonstrations tomorrow. Watch out for plenty of pics on our social media pages!
Don’t worry if you haven’t organised anything yet for your team – you can still mark the day!
Food Drink Ireland are promoting a lunch time mile for National Workplace Wellbeing Day. Get out into the fresh air and don’t worry, you don’t need to get your whole team to run, just a walk will do the job. A mile should only take 15 minutes so it won’t eat up your whole lunch break. Even better, make it a regular weekly challenge to get out in the fresh air once per week with your team.
Encourage your colleagues to have a healthy Friday lunch. Bring in some healthy snacks (see our last blog here for The Wellness Crew for ideas) or do a ‘pot lunch’. Each member brings in something shareable like green salad, lentil salad or some smoked salmon pate and hummus. Why not adopt this every Friday instead of going out for pizza!
Promote mindfulness and time out in the workplace but subsidising an App for your team. Try HeadSpace or Calm and promote short time outs during the day to help employees cope with stress and build resilience into their day. Watch out for a blog coming soon by The Wellness Crew on the best health Apps!
Wishing you a happy and healthy Workplace Wellbeing Day for 2018,
The Positive Nutrition Team