Male Fertility & Sperm DNA Fragmentation

Male fertility is the second most common cause of fertility issues, coming second only to advanced age of the female partner.

Male fertility issues affect about half of all couples so it essential to assess when you are trying to conceive. Historically, it was often the female partner who might initiate testing, but we strongly recommend getting comprehensive male fertility tests done from the start of your journey.

Key Facts
  • There is significant evidence that a healthy fertility diet can improve sperm quality and quantity
  • Identifying and addressing deficiencies in specific nutrients can increase all parameters of sperm health, including motility, morphology, quantity and DNA Fragmentation
  • 1 in 4 men will have a normal semen analysis yet have DNA damage within sperm
  • Elevated DNA fragmentation decreases pregnancy success by 30% and increases risk for miscarriage
  • Underlying infection, even asymptomatic, can have a negative effect on sperm and sperm DNA fragmentation. The semen microbiome plays a major role in maintaining healthy sperm
  • Oxidative stress and inflammation is a major cause of sperm damage
  • Hormone levels and sperm quality can be affected by sleep and stress

Best Test Options

  • Patient
    I embarked on this process as part of myself and my wife's fertility journey. I am delighted to say that we are 14 weeks pregnant, and all is going well so far. The dietary changes that I made contributed to dramatically improving my DNA fragmentation.
  • Patient
    With happiness and gratitude I wanted to share the improvement in the quality of my sample.
    1. My count jumped from an average of 20 m to an average of 55 m over 2 tests.
    2. My motility went from an average of 25% to an average of 52%.
    3. My morphology went from 4% to 6%.
    This considerable improvement meant that our treatment plan was altered from ICSI to IVF and thankfully we have ended up with a number of fertilised, healthy looking blastocysts through IVF. I just want to thank you again for your enormous contribution. The staff in the Clinic were quite surprised by this improvement.
  • Patient
    I wanted to update you on recent sperm test results I received. Compared to my last test 8 months ago the morphology increased from 3% to 35% and my DNA Fragmentation went from 37% to 22%. I could only have achieved these results with your assistance and expertise and would like to thank you for all the guidance.

Patient Story


John attended our clinic after his semen analysis with his IVF clinic had identified low motility and low sperm count.


We recommended a DNA fragmentation test which showed high DNA damage in the sperm at 44%. 

A Functional Nutritional profile blood test showed high levels of oxidative stress, low levels of antioxidants and a zinc deficiency which is essential for sperm health. 

A semen microbiome test showed that John was carrying bacteria which is related to infection and inflammation which could be contributing to localised oxidative stress, a major cause of high DNA fragmentation.


A tailored supplement protocol was designed to rectify the deficiencies identified.  John changed his diet to a more anti-inflammatory diet with increased intake of antioxidants to combat oxidative stress.

We referred John to a consultant urologist for a review and recommended a course of treatment for the subclinical infection. We also recommended following up with his partner to check for infection and treatment if necessary.

Repeat testing

Repeat testing showed the John’s DNA fragmentation levels had reduced to 14% and sperm count and motility had improved.


John and his partner have decided to try naturally now for the next 6-9 months given the improvement in their chances of a healthy pregnancy.

Our expertise in this area includes:
Contributed to a medical textbook on IVF. Read here.
Published paper in peer reviewed science journals. Read here
Presented at medical conferences. Read here
Completed further training in specialist testing
Work with IVF clinics and consultants