SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth)
SIBO is the most common cause of IBS symptoms and can cause bloating, discomfort and changes in bowel movements.
The small intestine usually has a very low number of bacteria. An overgrowth leads to bacteria fermenting certain carbohydrates and sugars early on in the digestive process. This leads to many uncomfortable symptoms which can often go undiagnosed for many years.
Key Facts
- SIBO can initially be caused after a physical upset to the digestive area such as surgery, after antibiotics or gastrointestinal illness, or due a weakness in the ileocecal valve. Reduced motility is also a major factor, where food is not moving through the gut quickly enough.
- Symptoms of SIBO can vary between constipation or diarrhoea or alternating between the two. Bloating is very common, as are nausea, reflux, cramping and fatigue, headache and skin issues.
- SIBO can cause deficiencies of nutrients absorbed in the small intestine including iron and B vitamins
- A low FODMAP diet may relieve symptoms but does not address the underlying overgrowth. This restrictive diet can also be harmful to beneficial bacteria in the long term
- Pre- and probiotics and stress management can be helpful, but often an anti-microbial protocol will be needed to reduce the overgrowth of bacteria. Biofilm can make eradication more difficult also.
Best Test Options
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth SIBO Breath test
Gut Health & Microbiome – GI Ecologix
Patient Story
Lucy attended our clinic with extreme bloating, discomfort after eating/ feelings of excess fullness and constipation. She had tried to increase her fibre intake which made her symptoms worse. Probiotics had not helped.
Lucy carried out a SIBO Breath test which identified an overgrowth of methane-producing bacteria. This is often associated with gas production, bloating and constipation.
Lucy commenced a low FODMAP diet in the short term to reduce her symptoms and improve her quality of life. She started on a specific anti-microbial supplement protocol to address overgrowth of methane-producing bacteria while being mindful of her beneficial bacteria and gut health.
On repeat, Lucy’s methane levels were reduced to the normal range.
Lucy supplement protocol was reduced to a maintenance level to reduce the risk of re-occurrence. She slowly re-introduced some higher FODMAP foods without symptoms while on this protocol. Her bloating and discomfort was markedly improved and she was having normal regular bowel movements.
“I could barely fit into my clothes by the end of the day, my stomach would swell like a balloon. Now everything feels much more normal. I can hardly believe the difference”