Egg Quality

Egg quality plays a major role in your chance of healthy conception, whether trying to conceive naturally or through IVF.

The environment that the egg matures in over a three month period will influence egg quality. Reducing inflammation and oxidative stress and increasing protective antioxidants is key to maximising the quality of eggs, especially with more advanced age.

Key Facts
  • Age is a major factor in reduced egg quality but nutrition can still help to improve your chances
  • There is no test for egg quality and it is often only indicated by adverse IVF outcomes or poor embryo quality
  • Blood tests can identify nutrient deficiencies, high oxidative stress and reduced antioxidant levels. Restoring these deficiencies can protect against damage to the egg during development
  • Local inflammation such as in endometriosis, subclinical infection or immune related issues may impact the egg environment. Identifying the root source of inflammation may be helpful
  • Certain hormonal conditions like PCOS may play a role also. In PCOS, often too many eggs develop each month which reduces overall egg quality during maturation. This can also occur in IVF, as many eggs are stimulated during the cycle, needing extra support

Best Test Options

  • Patient
    As you know I did a round of IVF in November. It yielded a much better result - more and better quality eggs so the diet and supplement program had a huge and direct impact. Sadly, I didn’t not fall pregnant and I felt I needed a break from it all at the time, I was devastated. In February my period was late and I did a pregnancy test to find out it was positive. I had my 12 week scan yesterday and all is well. To say it was a shock is an understatement as I’ve never had a natural pregnancy before in all our years of trying.
  • Patient
    I had my egg collection yesterday. They collected 8 eggs and the lab rang an hour ago to say that 7 of the 8 eggs fertilised which is great. I’ve been following your diet and supplement plan to the letter and think this has really helped me in having good quality and quantity eggs this month so thank you for that. Much appreciate your support, the success to date can be brought back to you directly !
  • Patient
    We were given a low chance of success in our 2nd round of IVF and the clinic wanted to cancel the cycle due to low egg quality but we pleaded for it to continue as it was our last attempt with my eggs. Thankfully we dramatically improved the quality of my eggs with your nutritional advice. We are over the moon and thrilled with our little girl!

Patient Story


Anne first attended our clinic at age 42, trying to conceive with a sperm donor. She had already undergone 3 egg retrievals but only one embryo from all 3 collections tested normal with PGS (preimplantation genetic screening).  A frozen embryo transfer did not result in a pregnancy. 


Anne underwent extensive testing, including nutrient testing, advanced immune testing, vaginal microbiome analysis and hormonal tests.

High levels of inflammation were detected including raised NK cells and pro-inflammatory cytokines.

The vaginal microbiome test identified bacteria associated with Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) and inflammation.


Anne made great progress improving her diet and a tailored supplement protocol was designed to restore nutritional deficiencies, increase protective antioxidants and reduce inflammation. This included medicinal mushrooms, which were tailored according to her immune tests, as she had previously taken an unhelpful combination.

Along with supportive probiotics and anti-inflammatory supplements, Anne received treatment from her IVF clinic for BV.


The next egg collection yielded 2 normal healthy embryos.  Along with a supplement protocol to maintain the vaginal microbiome and reduce inflammation, the IVF clinic prescribed additional medications including steroids.

Anne went on to have a healthy pregnancy and gave birth to a beautiful baby boy.

“I can’t believe I have been so lucky, he is finally here! THANK YOU so much for all your excellent advice and help, I am sure it made all the difference”

Our expertise in this area includes:
Contributed to a medical textbook on IVF. Read here.
Published paper in peer reviewed science journals. Read here
Presented at medical conferences. Read here
Completed further training in specialist testing
Work with IVF clinics and consultants