A hugely underdiagnosed condition, endometriosis can cause chronic pain, heavy painful periods and poor quality of life.
Endometriosis occurs when uterine tissue grows outside the uterus, causing inflammation and pain. This tissue responds to hormonal cycles and can be found around reproductive organs, sometimes with adhesions which knits organs together. This often causes fertility issues and menstrual difficulties.
Key Facts
- The underlying cause of endometriosis is unclear, though inflammation and the immune system certainly play a role. These issues may be supported by a functional medicine approach including advanced immune testing and an anti-inflammatory diet to reduce symptoms
- Hormonal imbalances such as high oestrogen levels may exacerbate the endometrial tissue response. Regular blood tests do not always give sufficient information about hormones. We use functional medicine tests such as the DUTCH comprehensive hormone test to personalise protocols. Additional genetic testing can identify pathways that may need long term support
- Herbal formulas and nutrient repletion can be highly effective at balancing hormones and supporting natural detoxification of oestrogen to reduce overall levels
- Endometrial tissue can spread to many parts of the body, including the digestive system causing symptoms that may present like IBS and lead to misdiagnosis
- New research has shown that bacterial infections may play a role in endometriosis inflammation. Supporting a healthy microbiome and using natural antimicrobial support may be helpful
Best Test Options
Patient Story
Sarah attended our clinic with suspected endometriosis due to very heavy periods and severe pain. In the latter half of her menstrual cycle Sarah experienced constipation and further abdominal pain after eating. We referred Sarah to a gynaecologist for a laparoscopy to confirm endometriosis. While waiting for this appointment, Sarah wanted to get started by supporting her health as much as she could.
Sarah carried out a DUTCH comprehensive hormonal test and advanced immune testing. Sarah was poorly detoxifying oestrogen which meant that her oestrogen was slowly leaving the body and accumulating, instead of being properly managed. With constipation, there was likely increased reabsorption of oestrogen levels, leading to a vicious cycle of oestrogen stimulation of endometrial tissue.
Sarah also had elevated inflammatory cytokines indicating ongoing inflammation.
Sarah adopted an anti-inflammatory diet increasing her levels of antioxidants and omega-3 rich oily fish and increased her intake of Brassica vegetables to support liver detoxification of oestrogen. She focussed on gentle fibre and easy to digest foods in the latter half of her cycle to support gut motility. She began a personalised anti-inflammatory supplement protocol.
Sarah had a laparoscopy after several months. Endometriosis was confirmed and she underwent ablation to remove some of the adhesions during this procedure. Sarah’s diet was excellent at this point and her supplement plan was adapted for longer term support.
“I feel like a weight has been lifted, I feel so much better!”