Book an appointment or a free call back to find out how we can help you
Please note that you can book a longer initial or follow up appointment if you have a complex health history or many test results to review. If you are unsure or can’t find the appointment you want, please just get in touch and we will help you out.
Health Insurance Coverage
Irish Life Health offers a contribution towards your appointment with a Nutritional Therapist registered with the Nutritional Therapists of Ireland (NTOI). All of our Nutritional Therapists are full practicing members of the NTOI. Please check your policy.
Initial Consultations:
- Review questionnaire, personal health and dietary history, and presenting symptoms
- Interpret previous test results
- Personalised nutrition, lifestyle and supplement recommendations
- Test recommendations and plan for next steps
60 minutes
In-person consultation
60 minutes
Dublin Clinic Only
Online - complex history
90 minutes
Extended consultation
Online Fertility
90 minutes
Both partners
Follow up Consultations:
- Review progress
- Interpret test results
- Update personalised nutrition, lifestyle and supplement recommendations based on test results
30-60 minutes
In-person consultation
30-60 minutes
Dublin Clinic Only
Online - complex history
90 minutes
Extended consultation
Online Fertility
90 minutes
Both partners
Review calls:
- Review progress between consulatations
- Simple queries and updates
10 minutes