Food Intolerance - Food Map IgG Test


Learn More about our our Food Map IgG Test

Dried blood spot (at home)

This is a simple at-home test using a finger prick and dried blood test card. This measures the IgG immune reaction to 190 different foods plus yeast and Candida. Removing foods that cause high levels of reactions can help during a gut healing protocol. It is not advisable to follow a very restricted diet in the long term. Re-introduction of foods can be carried out with the support of your Nutritionist.

This test measures:

  • Dairy – 9 different forms of cow, goat and sheep dairy
  • Pulses – 13 beans and peas, including soy and tofu
  • Grains/ Gluten – 15 grains including wheat, types of gluten
  • Fruits – 29 fruits, some of which cross react with grass and tree pollen in oral allergy syndrome
  • Vegetables – 41 vegetables
  • Fish – 25 species and Meat – 7 meats and Eggs
  • Nuts and Seeds – 17 varieties, does not test for allergies
  • Herbs and spices and other e.g. tea, coffee, cocoa, cane sugar


  • IgG reaction to Candida and yeast

Works well with:

  • GI Ecologix test to determine underlying cause of inflammation and leaky gut which in many cases leads to the food intolerance reactions

Caroline was experiencing digestive issues which were difficult to treat. She had leaky gut and histamine reactions/ MCAS that would cause a swelling feeling near her throat, itching and headaches. While she received treatment for MCAS and was following a gut healing protocol, she carried out an IgG Food Map to see whether any particular foods were very high and should be excluded altogether.

Her results showed high levels of IgG against dairy and egg but normal reactions to gluten and soy. There were many other mild reactions identified but her main finding was to remove dairy and egg from her diet completely while she worked on her digestive issues.

After a gut healing protocol and when her MCAS came under control with medication, she re-introduced small amounts of good quality yoghurt into her diet. Her diet was very varied and her gut was much less reactive.

Key Findings [excerpt from test]:

  • No IgG reactions to gluten or soy, maintain in diet if desired
  • High reactions to dairy and eggs, remove temporarily from diet. Be cautious while re-introducing and check for reactions
  • Mild reactions to other foods, no need to exclude fully though reduce intake if in high amounts