Food Intolerances

Food intolerance is a broad term that can mean any reaction to certain foods leading to digestive issues or immune activation.

Food intolerance testing can ambiguous and should be carefully interpreted. Reducing gut damage/ inflammation, restoring bacterial balance and healing leaky gut is usually better at tackling the root cause of food intolerances so that a good variety of food can be re-introduced as soon as possible.

Key Facts
  • A food intolerance test measures an immune reaction to foods. Maldigestion of food and specifically proteins can lead to an exaggerated immune response as the body reacts to protein particles that it doesn’t normally recognise
  • Gut inflammation, damage to the protective lining or leaky gut allows food particles or ‘antigens’ to travel into the blood stream causing these immune reactions
  • Some bacterial imbalances can cause reactions to food especially wheat and dairy. Restoring bacterial balance or treating SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) can allow tolerance of these foods again
  • Some food intolerances or more serious conditions like coeliac disease could be lifelong. Adjusting your diet and ensuring that you are getting enough nutrients and fibre on a restricted diet is essential to maintain a healthy microbiome

Best Test Options

  • Patient
    I just wanted to say a big thanks to my Nutritionist for helping me through my dietary needs today.  It all seemed so complex and I didn’t know what I was going to eat. Now I have a clear plan and recipes to back it up. I feel much better just knowing how we are going to tackle this.
  • Patient
    I cannot thank you enough.  My diet was getting so restricted, I was running out of things to eat! I am delighted to say that my gut feels so much better, no more pain and discomfort after meals. It’s much easier to plan and manage if eating out or travelling, life is much easier all round so thank you for all your help.
  • Patient
    I was having problems with my stomach, I had been to see lots of doctors but nothing worked. Positive Nutrition was my last resort. From the minute I attended the clinic I felt at ease. I thought the whole experience was excellent. I have never felt better. You taught me how to eat again. My stomach problems have gone, I sleep better, I have so much energy, I will never go back to the way I was before.

Patient Story


Garvan attended our clinic with extreme bloating, burping after meals, reflux and discomfort.  He had chronic constipation.

He had tested positive for methane-producing bacteria on a SIBO breath test but antibiotic treatment and other remedies from his gastroenterologist were ineffective. He had been on a restrictive diet for many months before attending our clinic as a way to manage symptoms and also avoided sugar.


Garvan carried out a gut microbiome analysis  which showed high bile acids, probably related to a diet low in fibre, high in saturated fats .

Although his digestive capacity and inflammatory markers were normal, he had extremely low levels of beneficial bacteria – something that can happen with a longer term restrictive diet which can have long term consequences to gut and immune health.


Garvan started a targeted supplement protocol to reduce methane-producing bacteria while also tackling biofilm which may have reduced the efficacy of his antibiotics previously.

He reduced intake of red meat and added more colour and variety based on his tolerances, expanding his diet as his symptoms reduced.


Garvan slowly re-introduced many foods, including vegetables from his own garden that he previously had to give away.  He restored his diet to his previously good wholefood diet and increased intake of fibres without symptoms. He was also able to manage a meal out without worrying.

“I can pretty much eat what I want now. I am much less anxious about what I am eating”

Our expertise in this area includes:
Published paper in peer reviewed science journals. Read here
Presented at conferences and lecture nutrition students. Read here.
Completed further training in specialist testing
Work with pharmacist/ herbalist for herbal supports