Urinary Ecologix test
Urinary Ecologix test
Until recently, it was believed that the human urinary bladder was a sterile environment, and microbes were only present under times of clinical infection. Due to advanced techniques, it is now known there is a natural urinary microbiome believed to promote health and stability. Pathogenic bacteria that cause infection and damage can overgrow due to low beneficial bacteria or poor immunity. Infections can become chronically reoccurring, needing repeated treatment.
Who can benefit from this test?
Your nutritionist may recommend this test if you have:
- Chronic or reoccurring urinary tract infections or kidney infections
- Chronic cystitis symptoms
- Persistent symptoms of undetectable infections such as urgency, frequency, pain or discomfort when urinating
- Unexplained cases of urinary incontinence, over active bladder or bladder hypersensitivity
Learn More about our Urinary Ecologix Test
Urine sample (at home)
This ground-breaking test assesses the urinary microbiome including beneficial bacteria and infection-causing bacteria. Sometimes these bacteria are not readily identified by regular testing making it difficult to treat the underlying cause. The technique used in this test to examine the microbe populations looks for the presence of DNA (by PCR). This is the most technologically advanced urinary microbiome profile to provide accurate analysis of the microbiota abundance.
This test measures:
- Levels of beneficial strains of Lactobacillus thought to promote health and balance
- E. coli bacteria - the most common cause of UTI and kidney infections
- 12 other less commonly tested strains of bacteria linked to chronic and reoccurring infections
Leah was suffering from frequent UTI which didn't respond well to antibiotics. She carried out a Urinary Ecologix which showed a lack of protective Lactobacillus species and a less well known urinary pathogen. Leah started on a targeted supplement protocol to restore balance including probiotics and an antimicrobial. She noted a marked improvement in the severity and frequency of her urinary symptoms after one month on this protocol. In the following two years, she did not need another antibiotic, and she continued with a maintenance plan.
Key findings (excerpt from test):
- Absence of important beneficial strains of Lactobacillus
- Presence of uncommon bacterial strain which can cause UTI but many not respond to usual interventions