Lactose Intolerance Test


Learn More about our Lactose Intolerance Test

Breath test (in clinic or at home)

The breath test works by measuring the gas production by bacteria in response to lactose ingestion.

A test sample of lactose (a sweet liquid) is consumed. If you do not have the enzymes to break down the lactose, it will travel to your large intestine. When your natural bacteria come into contact with this liquid, they will ferment the sugar and produce gas. This goes into your bloodstream and out in your breath.

This test measures:

  • Hydrogen and methane gas production in by bacteria if they consume the undigested lactose

Goes well with:

  • GI Ecologix
  • SIBO test

Harry, 44, was a diagnosed coeliac that had avoided gluten strictly for over 20 years. He still suffered from bouts of digestive upset, significant bloating, gas and diarrhoea even when he was sure he had not come into contact with any gluten. He carried out a GI Ecologix test which detected a low level of inflammation and some bacterial dysbiosis.

He also carried out a lactose intolerance test as he noted that his symptoms were worse with dairy. He was positive for lactose intolerance and began to use lactose free products and dairy alternatives.

He was following a personalised protocol to improve his overall gut health and found that he could then tolerate smaller amounts of dairy, once his overall diet and lifestyle were good.