Candida Tests


Learn More about our Candida Tests

Blood test (phlebotomy) or dried blood spot (at home)

Measuring Candida antibodies in the blood can be carried out like a regular blood test. At-home options are included in other tests such as the Food Map which includes Candida IgG or an at-home IBS test. Your nutritionist can discuss your best option with you.

This test measures:

  • Candida antibodies

Works well with:

  • GI Ecologix for gut-related candida
  • Vaginal Ecologix for thrush and vaginal symptoms

Luke was experiencing digestive discomfort including nausea, reflux and had a persistent white coating on his tongue. His symptoms worsened with sugar or high carbohydrate intake. He had tried some over the counter anti-fungal remedies but they did not seem to improve his condition.

Luke had an endoscopy to rule out other issues and a stool test. He was working on general digestive and immune health. His Candida antibodies were high so he started on a protocol to address this with natural anti-fungal supplements and immune support.

After 3 months, Luke found his symptoms were much improved. He still needed to maintain immune support and stayed on a maintenance plan.

Key Findings:

  • High levels of Candida IgG were detected