Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) does not actually mean ‘cysts’ but rather excess follicles in the ovary competing for ovulation.
PCOS is a very common condition which can vary in presentation and severity. Some women will experience irregular periods, problems with ovulation and fertility while others have symptoms of excess testosterone including acne, excess hair, mood and weight issues.
Key Facts
- High numbers of follicles in the ovary mean that many eggs ‘compete’ for ovulation. This can cause irregular cycles, and fertility issues including poor egg quality
- Regular blood tests do not always give sufficient information about hormones. We use functional medicine tests such as the DUTCH comprehensive hormone test to personalise protocols
- Herbal formulas and nutrient repletion can be highly effective at balancing hormones and supporting natural detoxification of hormones. Genetic testing of hormone pathways and detoxification can identify where longer term support may be needed
- Elevated male hormones including testosterone are a key feature of PCOS and are linked to insulin resistance and stress. Tackling the root signals for elevated testosterone can have many benefits
- Diet plays a major role in supporting PCOS. In general, a lower carb blood sugar balancing diet is helpful, although everyone is different. Supplements to support insulin signalling can be a highly effective adjunct
Best Test Options
Patient Story
Emer attended our clinic with a diagnosis of PCOS and a good initial understanding of how to manage this. She needed additional guidance on how to incorporate supplements, and particularly how to bring the more stubborn symptoms of hirsutism (excess hair) and hidradenitis suppurativa or HS (painful abscesses under the skin) under control.
Emer carried out a DUTCH comprehensive hormonal analysis test. She had high levels of testosterone, specifically the 5alpha androstenediol form which is more problematic. She was also poorly detoxifying her oestrogen.
Emer also carried out a Functional Nutritional Profile blood test to identify her nutrient shortfalls and personalise her supplement support. She had low levels of antioxidants and vitamin D.
Emer followed a lower carb high nutrient dense diet, with plenty of oily fish and high intake of fibre and vegetables. She commenced a herbal tincture specifically designed by our clinic with our herbalist/ pharmacist collaborator for PCOS. In addition, she used supplement and dietary support to reduce the symptoms of her HS.
Emer repeated her DUTCH test after six months which showed reduced testosterone levels and improved oestrogen detoxification. Her symptoms had drastically improved.
Her cycle had normalised in length. Emer took a break from the herbal supports and reduced her supplementation to a maintenance level. Over the coming years, Emer continued to manage her symptoms, increasing support when her cycle started to lengthen again, often due to stressful periods but reducing support again once balance had been restored.
“The programme I implemented with guidance and support has helped me respond to my symptoms in an intentional and targeted way, putting me back in the driver's seat of my own health and wellbeing. The results have been absolutely life-changing!”