Hashimoto’s Disease

Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune disease where your own antibodies attack your thyroid gland and can impair function.

There is no medical treatment for thyroid antibodies, but dietary change and specific supplements can be highly effective at reducing thyroid antibody levels and thereby reducing the ongoing damage to the thyroid.

Key Facts
  • There are many types of thyroid antibodies, the two most common are anti-TPO and anti-Tg which should both be measured to get an accurate picture of autoimmune activity
  • A gluten free diet has been proven to reduce thyroid antibodies in some people
  • Autoimmune diseases have a major connection with gut health as much immune activation occurs in the gut. Healing leaky gut and reducing gut inflammation is key
  • Iodine deficiency can impair thyroid function, which can lead to activation of autoimmune antibodies. Taking excess iodine however can increase antibody levels. Testing your iodine levels and supplementing slowly and safely is recommended
  • Certain supplements such as selenium and myo-inositol along with medicinal mushrooms have been proven to reduce thyroid antibodies.

Best Test Options

  • Patient
    My Nutritionist helped me to look at the underlying issues and the in depth thyroid testing was so helpful.  I had a plan that was personalised for me and have never felt better.  I will definitely stick to it now, the recipes and suggestions made it all a lot easier.  Thank you all so much for giving me a new lease of life, I feel SO much better!
  • Patient
    I was worried about my thyroid antibody levels but there seemed to be no medical follow up or treatment. Thanks to my wonderful Nutritionist, now I know that I can be proactive about my own health.  My antibodies are reducing and I am feeling much better on the diet plan and supplements. I am so glad I found her!
  • Patient
    My antibody levels have come back to normal range, I can’t believe it. I have reduced my thyroid medication and  I feel so much better now in many different ways. The plan is easy to follow so I know I can stick with it.

Patient Story


Leanne attended our clinic with very high levels of thyroid antibodies, both anti-TPO and anti-Tg.  She was taking Eltroxin to manage her thyroid hormone levels but was concerned that her ongoing autoimmune issues would be progressive. Leanne had chronic constipation and bloating issues, which were not improved when she started Eltroxin.


Leanne carried out a gut microbiome analysis which identified elevated markers of inflammation and leaky gut. She also had very low levels of beneficial bacteria and elevated methane-producing bacteria which are associated with constipation.


Leanne adopted a gluten free diet which has been shown to reduce thyroid antibodies, and most likely in people with gut symptoms and leaky gut. She increased her fibre intake, and variety of fruit, vegetables and anti-inflammatory foods. She started on anti-inflammatory supplements, probiotics and a gentle supplement to reduce unhelpful bacteria, without causing any further inflammation or irritation.


On repeat, Leanne’s inflammatory markers were reduced to near-normal and her leaky gut marker had improved. Her bacterial balance was also improving, though it can take some time and continued effort.  Her anti-TPO and anti-Tg thyroid antibodies had dramatically reduced.


Leanne’s gut issues resolved almost completely on her supplement and dietary plan. She stayed on a maintenance plan and continued to monitor her antibodies to ensure that the damage to her thyroid was reducing.

“My thyroid antibodies have reduced so much. It feels so much better to be in control. I will definitely be sticking to the plan”

Our expertise in this area includes:
Published paper in peer reviewed science journals. Read here
Presented at conferences and lecture nutrition students. Read here.
Completed further training in specialist testing
Work with pharmacist/ herbalist for herbal supports